Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What I'm up too

After that three week sprint of building three levels, I've taken a bit of a break. This is partially because I have a new job at Raven Software as a Design Intern (the reason for the sprint) and partially because I had finished the projects I was working on. So the question becomes what do I work on next?

I've been trying to decide what my next project is going to be and it is a toss up between doing more scripting for the "Hotel" and starting a game project using Gamemaker. 

Scripting is something that could become useful as I progress as a level designer who enjoys single player experiences. Scripting would allow me to become a more valuable designer to any company: in one person they would have someone who is able to design a level visually and the script the actions that take place within it. Learning how to script wouldn't be an issue because I have a programming background, it would only require learning the calls to make things happen.

The Gamemaker project would be a chance to build a full game. This is appealing because in a 2D building engine I can work on building an entire game, including the art, programming, game design, and level design. This is less appealing because I would have to build a lot to get a working prototype because Gamemaker does not have some of the basic functionality I need to build what I have in mind: a steam-punk inspired turn-based strategy game that would evolve into a Tactical RPG.

With those two options, I believe scripting is the better option to focus on, keeping the other project as something to do on the side when I need a break from Radiant.

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