Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Street

The first thing I did was moved the player across the street from the hotel, giving the player a longer and more head-on approach to the building. To keep the player within the play area, I made the street under construction due to a busted water main. This allows me to put barriers on either side of the play area:

I spent a majority of the time working on the hole with the water main. The only issue is that there is no lighting in this area so the player can't see any of the hard work I did:

Until I do a little more lighting I took a fullbright shot to show the hole:

The street is a lot more interesting, giving me an idea that the initial combat could start here. I'll see how it feels once I get this area a little more arted up. I want to add a pile of dirt to one side, maybe a few more barriers and some type of work truck. I also might make the hole deeper because the pipes are pretty close to the surface.

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